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Manifestation Card of the Day Monday 11/23/15


Manifestation Card of the Day

Monday 11/23/15


Manifesting good things into your life is always important. It is always important to remember that what you put out there with energy comes back to you. So you want to be very careful of any negative words you put into the universe. '

Keep your words and your actions positive, and positive things return to you. Far too many times people put negative energy out into the universe and unfortunately the negative thoughts that they have manifest, instead of the positive they hoped for.

Put the positive out there and you will see positive return to you.

If you are questioning a situation or person in your life, contact Psychic Juliana and she can help with the answers to the questions that most affect you. Juliana's Clairvoyant abilities and Spirit Guides can help lead you to a place of peace,

Call or Text for your Appointment now 1-314-814-0154

In light and love


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